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Hey all, 

After the Lego / Q&A stream was so successful (Click here if you don't know what I'm talking about) and the feedback so positive about my plan for videos moving forward, I feel like I should quickly step back and just check on what the mood is for you paying customers in terms of what you'd all prefer content-wise.

As you might have picked up on the stream, my ideal output going forward (IDEAL, this is allowing for all kinds of medical and mental health shenanigans of course in which case the Arceus playthrough is still on standby) is thus:

4 Videos a month.
1 remade episode of classic Pokemon Journey,
1 new episode of Journey continuing from when we were so rudely interrupted,
and 2 short videos detailing my own thoughts on a given subject, prioritising the showcase of little known media (much like Calling It Now) and essays about my experiences with autism and how it's portrayed in media.

I've also put up a new stretch goal to indicate that once we hit over $4,000 per video (big, but possible if the new videos take off) then I will switch to monthly payments instead. We'd be taking quite a cut in revenue at that point, but we know that amount is enough to live on and it would mean less time pressure on me and less reward confusion for you guys. It seems like the healthiest option, so that's what I want to shoot for.

Again though, I want to be sure you guys are okay with this direction, so PLEASE vote in this anonymous poll to let me know the mood.

Also I'm finishing off the Tallneck build tomorrow so if you have any questions you'd like to ask me, comment with them and I'll answer them on stream. ONE QUESTION PER PATRON, I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE

Should be fun, things are finally starting to seem like they're moving forward and I hope you guys enjoy the next wild twist this friggin' rollercoaster of a career takes!



Is a $4000 monthly goal really enough? That's $48k a year, before taxes. I do understand the mental health needs being weighed and appreciate that as a fellow neurodivergent person. But maybe you'll want it to get a bit higher than that. (I'm not privy to your bank accounts, maybe it's just fine for your household.)


You were always hugely into Pokémon with your channel, and even when you were talking about things like good preschool shows or anime OVAs, there were also videos about Pokémon designs and such. I wouldn't mind going back to that at all, more Suede opinion pieces! :D And more or less weekly Suede videos overall? Yes, please! I'm just worrying you might be aiming a bit too high..? Anyway, main thing to take away from this is: in the end we're not here (only) for Pokémon, we're here for Suede. Your video-making rocks no matter the subject, buddy.


While the winning choice is the one I wanted to go with, does anyone else think it's a little counter-productive to see which option in a poll is winning before you cast your vote? Kinda discourages honesty from folks who doubt they'll take the lead.

Michael McKinney

He lives in a place with a form of universal healthcare so that is a factor in his finances that is different than many other places. I don’t know his personal situation either mind you just offering a part of the likely thought process.


I mean, yes, but it's not just health care I'm thinking about. People still have other bills, he's just less likely to go bankrupt for that reason

Michael McKinney

I actually miss your early content the most, I’ll support you regardless, but either a shift to that or a balance would make me the most happy


Pokemon and whatever other geek based interests that you're passionate about.


I would love to hear thoughts about the pokemon anime in a blog format, especially regarding the newer series. 25 years, the anime has come a long way.


I don't mind a mix of things. Honestly, I would love for some of your old gaming content to return, like your Nancy Drew Let's Play or Shibuya Scramble. Those coming back and also continued, because I really wanted to see more of those. I'm also sorry I haven't been keeping up with your work on the new format, and I know it's probably way too late, but I preferred the stick figure clip I saw. Way funnier.

Cole Durrett

It would be cool if you made stuff like this with those old Pokemon novelizations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrMBu74-IY8&t=923s

Merv PH

The fact that you are willing to continue from where you left off has renewed my willingness to continue supporting you. I can understand making only 2 Journey videos a month, since this will take so much longer than before. I would also appreciate a videos about different series. Before you stuck to Pokemon, we'ren't you a generalized Anime Reviewer on TGWTG? I'd love to hear you talk about other anime in Vlog form. The most obvious thing would be to review Pokemon adjacent series like Digimon, Monster Rancher, Yokai Watch, Medabots, Angelic Layer, etc. But do them in like 13 episode chunks, I know you need to milk things for content, but we're not starting a second Journey.


I liked the "Calling it Now" series a lot, would love to see more of that or something like it return

Jack Castle

Balance definitely heck I’d really love to see you continue higurashi.