Pokemon Journey Episode 190 (Patreon)
Time for the end of year care package! Now, I'm experimenting with a new distribution method that I'm hoping will make things more flexible and allow for me to make more diverse content as well as keep the journeys flowing at the same speed. So for the foreseeable future unless there's pushback, I'm releasing Journey episodes individually rather than in the intended Youtube compilations.
The main reason for this is so that I can more easily compile the episodes into double or even triple and quadruple features without worrying about word count or timing on the individual segments. Scripting days can get super exhausting and stressful when I'm trying to cut one review short to fit the other in a double feature and vice versa. It'll mean I can do more scripting without the pressure looming over me, plus it means I can focus on the other projects (Audiobook, patron rewards, Calling It Now etc) more easily.
In all this, just know that my PAID vid content will never go over 4 per month. I want you guys to be able to budget accordingly. One day I hope to be able to shift to monthly payments, but that's still a bit far off for now. Hopefully with the intended changes I'm making I'll be able to push the algorithm to expose me a little more and get to that point.
Thanks for sticking with me through this exhausting year and here's to a new one with less to worry about!