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Sorry guys! The new job I got is killing me physically, so until I get accustomed I'll have to take this week off.  Good news though! Starting next week I'll be part of a new series (I'm only the narrator, so don't worry I'm not putting too much on my plate) all about Pokemon! Be sure to check that out, but in the meantime I want to give you guys something for your awesome patronage this month, so here's the script so far for Rose Of Versailles. Enjoy, but remember it's not finished. You can look at it from time to time to see how it's going though!


Rose Of Versailles Review

(looking through french history books) Ah! hello there! you know, I've often said that the best media is the kind that gives you a perspective on something that you might not have considered before. Take for instance, the anime Silver Spoon, a top contender for my personal best anime of 2013.



I assume, then, that we'll be holding off question time for next week?


You'll have to forgive me for being excited about this upcoming review (when it happens!) The reasons should be obvious, considering. ;) I'm really very much looking forward to it, though. A few things to mention, in case you hadn't come across them: there is a musical (*multiple*, actually!) based off it, for one thing (done, naturally, by the Takarazuka Revue.... an all-woman troupe). Also that the character DeJarjeys actually existed. .... not *Oscar*, naturally, but her father: <a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Augustin_Regnier_de_Jarjayes" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Augustin_Regnier_de_Jarjayes</a> (sadly it's in French; the English side of Wikipedia doesn't have the same information, so you may need to get a translation/translator for it). I'm sure you're aware that most of the characters were historical; just thought you might not have known that her father was one of them. So what is the new job about, anyhow? If you don't mind the fans knowing! More physically demanding, but hopefully less 'soul-sucking'?