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Now for the list everyone watches despite the youtuber wanting to spread more positivity! XD



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If it makes you feel any better, while I *do* watch the 'Worst of...' episodes, 99% of the time for me, it's the 'Best of...' episodes that I look most forward to with all the artists I watch on YouTube. :) While I love me some 'best of the worst', I much prefer hearing the joy behind the things that people really like and why.

Joe Crammond

sorry to hear about your brother Suede, I'll be honest hearing your thoughts about lack of trainers with disabilities got me thinking of my own fan fiction series where a new trainer ended up wheelchair bound after being injured by her Pokemon


It's very serendipitous that you played that Last Jedi clip at the part about how you can learn from bad media and how it can make you more able to appreciate good media, because as you talked I was *just* thinking about how much more I appreciated Star Wars after seeing how horrible The Last Jedi is. In that way, then yeah, I guess Yoda's line is the unintended ultimate summation of the movie.


I actually like positive lists more than I like negative ones. I'm even watching this one before I watch the best episodes list because I want to save the best (in more ways than one) for last.


I agree with this list.

Peter McDevitt

the only Dark Balls in the Orange Islands go to ShoPro.

Matt Storrs

As far as I know, no disabled trainers of any form have appeared in the anime, but I do feel duty-bound to point out (as it is a guilty pleasure of mine( that "Pokemon Live" did feature an appearance by a deaf trainer. Admittedly, the show is non-canon (though still officially licensed), but I still like the inclusion, and they even come up with a clever strategy for said trainer to use.

Nowhere Girl

ominous closing statement is ominous


What would make a good seeing eye, or general helper Pokemon? Maybe I'm crazy but I think one good potential seeing eye Pokemon would be Absol. It's about waist height, it doesn't evolve meaning it won't grow any higher, which means it won't be limited to where it can go. It's dog shape so it can act like a seeing eye dog. (it's a Pokemon so it can definitely be trained well.) and I believe they can predict disasters which is useful in any situation, especially when one my have a disability that can limit their reaction.


Thanks for using that Yoda clip for context. As a huge Star Wars fan I approve


The closest thing to a disabled person in the Pokemon world that I know of is the deaf-mute kid from Pokemon Live who literally just shows up to sic Jigglypuff on the heroes. That's it.