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Why do the simplest episodes get the best animation?



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Flux Casey

Paused on the Twitter joke and I'm so glad I did.

Matthew Foweraker

Why do team rocket lack paralysis heal given how often they fight Pikachu? They used them all up!

Joe Crammond

Goldeen was seriously underused by Misty


Probably because they established in its first appearance that it's completely useless on land. It sucks, because with anime logic and stuff you'd think they could just have it rest on its belly shooting Water Guns or bouncing around with horn-based moves a little more on land, just to get some mileage out of the dang thing.


It also always bugged me that her Staryu got way more use than her Starmie, to the point of Starmie being left behind at the gym for... really no good reason. I mean, they basically replaced Horsea with the less water-needing Togepi, but it's not like MIsty's team was in danger of becoming full, I don't think she even catches another Pokemon after this until her Corsola. Heck, I'm pretty sure the only reason she has both stages of the evolution line is because that's what she has in the games. It also kinda handicaps them from a writing standpoint in that she can't really evolve her Staryu ever, or else she'd just have two of the same Pokemon.

Wesley Foxx

And they're already down for copystrikes, whee

James Bevan

Wait... that pink thing I always thought was Poliwag's nose is it's MOUTH? That's freaky...


OMG, that Battleship Potemkin joke....I mean I love it but also not expecting something that dark : well done dude

Nowhere Girl

I think this is one of the best episodes of the Orange League. It's partially because Team Rocket and Misty are my favorite characters, and episodes about them get me every time, but I also think seeing these characters care for each other when they're sick is a really interesting way to explore their bond, and it does a really good job of exploring the varying evilness of Team Rocket members, and what they are and are not willing to do. I honestly mistake this one as a S1 episode in my mind, which I think is high praise for the Orange Islands

Christopher Borriello

Actually, with Togepi, her team WAS full. True, she never actually captured it, but once it came into her care, she DID technically have six Pokemon until she left Horsea and Starmie behind.