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First of all, I finally finished that dang 99 script! Those from the Watch Me chat, be sure to check it out and see if I missed anything we talked about.

Now then, I'll be doing another big stream tomorrow since I can't get my usual 4th ep of the month out in time. I haven't decided what it'll be just yet (suggestions are open), but what starting time would be best for you? I want to get a feel as to what would be the optimal time to stream. Sorry, a bit of googling timezones may be involved.



Do you mean 1 PM NZT at the bottom of the list?


For the 'What', the 27th is apparently 'Pokemon Day' for Twitch. You might want to take advantage of that a day early with a Nuzlocke run of something, maybe? Or a basic playthrough of some fan hack, maybe?


Personally I like interactive stuff like Jackbox.

Verdant Range

Pretty much all those times are good for me.


If my math is right, 11 am your time should be 5 pm for me. Should be out of work by then.


So he could do more Uranium? ;) My point was more that being as it was Pokemon Day (or close to it) it might 'ride the wave' if he took advantage of it.