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Pokemon Journey 94 (OL)

This episode was made possible, and seen a week earlier by my generous supporters on Patreon. Welcome to my new patrons this week, Synopsis Thoughts Trivia Bulbapedia Script help: Verdant range, edmg7, bigdocfan, shadao Patrons And So, Suede


James Bevan

Hey Will, apologies if this is a touchy question, but I was just curious - have you decided what you're going to do with those old Pokemon movie reviews?


I have a question similar to the one above. What if you did a look back on the movies and see if your opinion on them has changed at all?


"Ash has a really unusual and interesting pokemon to work with. Granted, that doesn’t really happen until the next season" What do you mean? I remember it being the exact opposite. Ash used Snorlax a TON in the Orange Islands, then dumped him on Professor Oak right before Johto.


three more episodes in this season, five in the next one. Technically it is a bit more, but you're right in that it's not as dramatic as I make it out to be. I'll edit it in post.


THE INSTANT I get a solid enough schedule when Seth goes back to school (end of January), I'll begin working on the movies proper, with a planned one movie-writing session per week. I'm redoing 1, 2 and 3 but leaving 4 the same with a couple of edits. This is not only to edit out JW but also revisit the movies in a fresh light. There's some juicy stuff I missed out on, even in 3!

James Bevan

Cool. Thanks for letting me know. Will be interesting to see what you have to talk about in your revisits. And again, sorry if this was a sore subject.


So a bit of trivia I think is interesting, but is probably better saved for the Season Finale or last episode in the actual Orange Islands themselves is that each Island is another word for Orange. Valencia is a type of Orange, Tangelo is a reference to Tangerine, Mikan Oranges exist, a Mandarin is obviously a type of Orange as well, all the way up to Pummelo, witch is an orange with a high amount of citrus, being yellow or even greenish in color. The only exception to my knowledge being the Islands in the 2nd movie, as Fire, Ice, and Lightning aren't types of Oranges, a Shamouti is however, and is supposed to be very sweet.

Joe Crammond

if you're redoing the movies, i'll you hope let us watch you script


Wow, who could've guessed the Orange Islands were Orange Islands? 4Kids, you cheeky masters.