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Just letting you guys know that the upcoming episode and stream will most likely be very late due to Jess, not only my visual editor but also the premier child-tamer of the household, has just suffered a massive lumbar sprain and may have slipped a disc, so I'm going to have to step up while she recovers.

Attached is the doctors receipt for transparency purposes. I know, I know, "We believe you! You don't need to do that!" I get that and appreciate your trust, but especially after some of the messiness I've seen with producers who don't cover their bases, I thought better safe than sorry.

Don't forget to take care of your back everyone! Thanks for your understanding!




Aw, poor Jess. Hope she gets better soon.


Sorry to hear. I hope Jess has a smooth recovery.


Goodness! Here's hoping that it's not too severe and that she's back on her feet ASAP for everyone's sake! :(


You know, I was just thinking your schedule left little room for error in an emergency, and was going to suggest (if you hadn't thought to do so already) to find some extra time to get head starts on episodes. Admittedly difficult, but even getting one extra episode done every couple months would give you a nice backlog to fall back on about comparable to the sick day earned by us 9-5ers. It'd be nice if you got sick and could think "No problem! I got 2 Episodes pre-made for just such an occasion. 14-day income secure!" ...Then this happens. Because of course. Almost as bad as Hurricane Irma rolling in the month before my Roof was replaced! Though worse than when my Friend rear ended someone's car after landing his first job. It's like Loki's out there somewhere scheming: "This'll show you Humans to take NOT being in the red for granted! MWAHAHAHA!" Nothing to do but muddle through I guess. Get well Jessica!


I may sound paranoid but I would be careful showing documents like this as people could use the information to figure out a rough idea of where you live. For example it shows the name of the surgery and even shows the doctors name. I appreciate the transparency but you might want to consider redacting more of the info in the future. We don't need to see the name of the surgery or doctor to believe this document is real and we really don't have the right to be mad if you didn't release the document at all. I hope the both of you are doing ok and I hope Jessica has a speedy recovery :)


Sorry to hear about Jess, my prayers are with you guys. I hope she has a smooth recovery.


Wishing Jess a speedy recovery! Take your time and take care of your wife--we can wait. :3


Get well soon


My best wishes for her. I've been going to a chiropractor for almost 3 years now to deal with Sciatica. Back pains are nasty and take a long while to get better. But with steady visits, she should get better. Just be patient and don't expect immediate results. Don't over-exert that first day you feel better.

Oliver- Smilliereacts

Hope Jess gets better soon a Slipped disk is really annoying and painful as I went though it a few years back.


I hope Jess for quick recovery.

James Bevan

Damn. Here's hoping Jess recovers quickly.

John G Robinson

well wishes and i pray for a expedient recovery


refuah shlaimah!


Here's hoping for a quick recovery. I wish I didn't have to worry about my back but working at Fedex makes it so that I do.


Best wishes!


You've really been in the wars, dude. Please just take some time off and put up a couple of easy livestreams or maybe a guest video or whatnot. Whatever, just please take some time off!!