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Put this together in preparation for my recap episode, thought you guys might be interested! 6 is Master Ball, 1 is Dark ball. Some interesting trends here!




The only trend I'm seeing is that the range of quality narrowed to mostly average episodes as the series continued, which frankly is kind of expected. If you look at the mode of the data, the most used rating was a great ball.

Lucas Neumeyer (NEW-my-er)

While statistics are fun, I feel like we should all remember that grades are just expressions of a critic's general subjective opinion and not like rating a hog at a county fair.


I also found it interesting that while the first 20 episodes averaged higher, they also had some of the worst ratings in there too XD


When are you starting the chat?


That's what I meant by the rage of quality narrowing. Fewer really good and really bad episodes as the season went on.


Hey Suede. I wnated to ask if we'll get a video talking about your plans for reviewing the pokemon movies again now that you've reached over 1000 dollars per video. Ya know like how are you going to them? Will you bring in guests for each movie like you did before? How long should each one take to do? Stuff like that. Sorry if this is the 80th comment you've gotten asking about that stuff from people : }