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So weird that there's an option to charge you guys for a poll here. Who charges people for a POLL?

Anyway, Hey guys,

Had to go car shopping today so the Watch Me Script has been moved to tomorrow. Stream will once again either be on wed or Fri NZT, so watch out for that.

Now then, a while back I put up a poll as to whether I should "Brotherhood" the pokemon movie reviews (Start from scratch while leaving the old ones online) or "Resident Evil" them (just continuing from where I left off despite problem elements) in light of revelations surrounding JewWario. There was some amazing feedback and excellent reasoning in your proposals, and the poll swung from one answer to another as it went along.

The final count landed on Brotherhood, however there was one aspect that I forgot to consider that I need to confirm with you guys before moving forward. I've been brainstorming ideas regarding the reviews but due to numerous extenuating circumstances including getting officially diagnosed with Asperger's, finishing off a long-term freelance project for my old employer before I can finally fully cut ties with them and having a 4 year old in the house, I still haven't begun scripting.

As I mentioned before, this is actually good, as I need to check something before I start. Although I obviously still have full control over my output, I still need to keep the interests of my "Shareholders" in mind when I move forward with a big decision so I can keep the revenue high enough to move forward full time. Although the poll's majority landed on Brotherhood, I know there were a few people who really wanted to see my take on Heroes ASAP, and some of you became patrons for the sole purpose of seeing MORE movie reviews, not REDONE movie reviews.

So just let me know, so I can push the button with confidence that it's not going to shoot me in the foot: Would I lose a significant amount of income if I did remakes of the first four pokemon movie reviews before starting on Heroes?

Don't forget:
1) This is completely anonymous, so be honest
2) Pokemon Journey (and Calling It Now, after Indigo is finished) will still be coming out at the same rate regardless of the outcome
3) As long as the revenue remains above $1000, I WILL review all the pokemon movies eventually.

Thanks for being great supporters and for making this the Patreon Newsletter-worthy project that it is! See you in scripting tomorrow!



There's no way that I'd stop being a Patron. The work you put out is of the utmost quality and it'll be great to see how your thoughts on the films have changed too.


I think most of the people will reply I don't care hopefully


Yeah there is no reason that that'd would make me stop being a patron of you Suede. I would be more then happy to see these movie reviews redone, and your future content. . .Man I sound stiff when I write/type.

Jesse Saunders

I personally don't mind one way or the other. I would only stop my patronage if it became financially necessary


Like the above people, I wouldn't care if you started the movie reviews from scratch again. Honestly, I've been enjoying Journey so much that I'd almost forgotten about the movie reviews. That's not to say I wouldn't mind seeing more movie reviews, it's just that I really like the Pokemon Journey and what you're doing now. Hope that makes sense. Keep up the great work :) P.S. Is it just me, or are other people shocked that Suede's son is now 4?!? WOW, time flies :)


please don’t take this the wrong way, I do really like watching just you as well, but as long as Linkara is still in the passenger seat of the movie reviews, I don’t really care what you do. If he’s not part of it anymore, I’ll still remain a patron, but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t be disappointed....that’s all I really wanted to say. Looking forward to these regardless!


i'd still remain a patron the old reviews were funny and i'm sure if you redid them they'd be great


It seems to me that it might be a little crummy of me to stop being a patron so soon over something so trivial. And besides I think whatever you come up with as far as these reviews go is going to be good. Keep up the good work.


It's of my preference to keep going forward, but only because I don't feel it's necessary to start over. If you start over, I will probably watch them and enjoy them still.


Would I like a Heroes review sooner rather then later? Yes, I would. Am I going to complain? No, in fact I'm going to eagerly await these redo reviews. Its not very often that a creator has the opportunity to redo a published project and I want to see what's going to change.

Verdant Range

I doubt I'll ever stop being a patron.

Michael McKinney

I'll be a patron of yours so long as I can continue to afford it, and you keep being as cool as you are. You're one of the only people I've pledged to that actually engages with your patrons, it's nice.


I'm on board with a Brotherhood on this. Besides, redoing the earlier movies may give you a new perspective or understanding you didn't have the first go around.


I think the only considerable factor here is whether the remakes will be alone or not. One of the best parts of the movie reviews was seeing the three players bounce off of each other. While I would only un-patron if I ran out of income, I feel a Brotherhood'ed movie series should keep that same three-person dynamic. All the experience you've gained from the Journey could go to good use in the remakes, but please, keep some co-hosts in there with you. :)


Perhaps you can appease both? Maybe you can start with Heroes, then go back to doing the other 4 movies before moving onto the Advanced Movies, however that would probably confuse some viewers in the process, so yeah it might be better from a chronological stand point to start from the beginning again, but it's up to you. But I don't care either way. Oh and coming from someone with autism myself, there's nothing to be ashamed for about having Asperger's, you're a wonderful person and it's probably due to that condition in part, which makes you what you are. :)


I have strong opinions on what I want to see. However, they are just that: strong opinions. If I don't like one thing, I'm not going to suddenly stop being a patron; I'm just not going to watch that thing the person put out. It's only when something is repeated, or completely changed up, that I completely stop being a patron because of output. Besides, I can name only *one* person whose stuff I watch that hasn't put out a single dud. And no, I'm not going to name them here because it's not on me to 'make comparisons'. It just means that 99.9% of the people I like seeing stuff on have put something out that made me go, "Well, *that* was boring and/or disappointing!" .... but I still watch, and would still patronize if I had the income to do everyone! I'm not here because of the Pokemon movies, anyway. I *like* seeing them, but they aren't the *only* thing I watch you for. :)


I vote for not caring, but there is a caveat that should be considered. I imagine people would be a little less interested if the redone reviews contained the same jokes. Obviously the analysis would likely come out the same, but there does need to be some manner of new spin on them in order to keep things fresh. That's the only hurdle you might have in redoing the reviews, so otherwise I'd say go for it!


Its your show man, do whatever. (As long as you don't make an ass of your self trying to scrup the old ones of the Internet. )


Alright but you can't use linkara until hero's you need to find other guest commentators until then to keep the jokes fresh. Also you should keep using guest commentators no solo suede reviews that would not nearly be as good.


I voted 'I don't care' because it's your show and I'd support you regardless. But I would be somewhat disappointed if you started over from the beginning.


I’ve waited years for the Pokémon Hereos review. I can continue to wait no problem 😜 side note: the response to this poll is overwhelmingly positive!


While I can't speak with 100% confidence for everyone else, if I've been happy waiting several years since the 4ever review, I can stand to wait a while longer, especially now that I know eventually reaching Heroes isn't a "maybe", it's a "when".


Out of curiosity, can you do a statement on how much of the originals you'll be bringing up? It's not a dealbreaker if you can't bring Lewis back in or anything, but I'm curious to know if you'll establish the "not like this" running gag again, and the like.


Personally, I'd still prefer you not restarting from the beginning. But if too many people can't stand watching JW anymore, I understand. So considering that's the way things are going, I don't care either way.


Going to confess something that's probably a bit unpopular but here goes: I never liked the framing device for the reviews. Like, at all. The Pokemon MMO shtick was as forced as all hell and it dragged on for way, way, way, way too long. When you actually got to the reviews themselves, they were great! But the framing device...ugggghh. That plus the Jew Wario stuff was the main reason I voted for the Brotherhood approach in the first place. When you finally do get to the movie do-overs, just use the same format you've been using for episodes - synopsis, sprinkled with jokes, followed by analysis where we learn cool behind the scenes stuff. That works really well and I like it a lot. Just be you, man. We don't need a story to explain why you're doing the review.


Wow, this is perhaps the most lopsided internet poll I've ever seen.


Ok, if you do start the movie reviews from scratch I will still be a Patron but I don't think you should. We have already heard what you had to say on the movies and it would be mostly retreding. Also, well, I don't think we should ignore the good Jewario did like making us laugh and entertaining us just because of the bad stuff. The man is dead so I'd prefer to focus on the good he did. I know that the old stuff will still be there, but it feels like in a way we are trying to pretend he doesn't exist. Plus, it means more work for you which is not something you need


The only issue would be how long before I have to narrow the money flow. But that's a different issue that these movie reviews won't affect. If you are re-doing a review, do you intend to create some kind of cosmic retcon?

Chris P3

So long as Linkara’s stuff gets kept.


The problem I have with re-doing the movies is the big elephant in the room that will surely be present. Also, I think there was a certain magic that the originals had that will be hard to reproduce


I personally think it would be fun to see you re-do the reviews. I think opinions on certain aspects can change over the years, and you can always put your own unique spin on them, so they are their own thing, and don't interfere with the magic of the old ones.


Despite the fact that "Resident Evil" approach would've been okay in my book, I can absolutely understand the context involved with how uncomfortable it is to bring up JewWario. Be that as it may, I support you 100% (maybe more in due time, but I'm trying to find a better job for both mental and career reasons)