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Hey guys,

I'm going to have to postpone the Watch Me Script to tomorrow but in the mean time I've got some polling action to lay on y'all, and unfortunately it has to do with JewWario.

For those tiny few who don't now know (and I'm so sorry if this is how you found out) it's been revealed that JW was a sexual predator. I don't want to dwell on it here, just know this isn't hearsay, it's been confirmed by Justin's friends and family members as well as the victims. Most of CA, including myself, had no idea until just recently. For a good run-through, check out marzgurl's video on the subject here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9efiK8XITA

Now one of the points touched on in that video was how to deal with the media he was involved with, especially when he was an integral part of it like the first three Pokemon movie reviews. After that poll on twitter it seems lie the general consensus is to leave them up with a disclaimer in the description. Despite consulting with him before writing the scripts, they were still entirely mine and he just read them. If people are able to look past the soured image and see the effort by all others involved, I shouldn't take that away from them, and it's still an important part of my history.

HOWEVER! This is where you guys come in. As you know, my goal reward for reaching $1000 per review was to begin production on Pokemon movie reviews again. I stand by that, and if April hadn't literally exploded I most likely would have begun work on Heroes by now. But here's the thing. the current 'continuity' of the reviews still heavily involves JW which casts a long shadow. Those who watch the newer reviews might want to see where it started and get skeeved out by JW's involvement. I'm not planning on removing the videos as I said, they'll always be there, but maybe having an alternative might be nice as a fresh start?

Here's where you come in. What do you think I should I do? Should I go the Capcom route that they took with Resident Evil 7, where all the bad games were still canon but they moved on with better ones anyway? Or should I go full FMA Brotherhood and redo the reviews with the same jokes but better production values while being friendlier for newcomers who know JW's past?

The answer is pretty much up to you. you guys are pretty much my shareholders and though I maintain 'power of veto' I also want to always produce what you've given me money to produce. Thanks for taking the time to choose and no matter what is decided, cool things are on the horizon!



I'm for either, but I'm voting the brotherhood route mostly for the benefits of expereince gained by yourself and Linkara in the meantime.

Verdant Range

I vote for the RE route since I think one should acknowledge their past... and because Latias is my favourite Pokemon.


Rebooting the reviews would also reboot the storyline with the "Pokemon World" MMO thing you guys were doing. I could see you guys updating a lot of stuff with that so Brotherhood that shit :P


As much as I'd love to see the Brotherhood route, I think the Resident Evil route is probably just way more viable.


I feel RE route. Separate the man from the character. JW had already left the team anyway in Pokemon 4Ever! You probably don't have to do much (if any) writing to explain he's not coming back. I think the people who would be directly affected by JW aren't going to go back to watch the pokemon movies either way, and anyone else won't really know him, and probably won't be affected as much. For all the things he did as a person, within the reviews themselves I see no flaws in them. The other issue I could see is just that starting over is a lot of work anyway, and might end up making people interested in finding those old versions anyway, which defeats the purpose.


The entire situation sucks (especially because the movie reviews was how I found you), but I feel like going back will just raise more questions from newcomers and keep the controversy revelant everytime someone asks why there are two movie reviews for movies 1-4. Maybe a soft reboot where you go over your opinions on the first movies and introduce the new cast?


I say RE route because at this point I don't really care about the story, I just want to know your thoughts on the movies and think the first 4 are fine as is. Plus I just feel making you remake everything is unnecessary busy work.

Neo Ultra Mike

You know as terrible as Justin's actions were I find it's better just to have the past play out and don't try altering what came before and explaining it is better then just trying to alter what came before it. Honestly JW left with Pokemon 4 anyway so it's easy enough to continue on without him to start on the next review so I would just go with that. Oh also I knew Lewis was in those other reviews so is he going to play a part in the Pokemon movie reviews again or will it just be you?


Resident Evil Route all the way. With Justin's death these videos were always destined to have something of a mark on them by that fact alone, and even if he did terrible things (and even if this is something you don't want to hear) that doesn't negate the fact that he at least attempted to be a positive influence on your lives before he killed himself. Even if someone has enacted monstrous deeds, that person is still human and to pretend that those deeds completely erase everything else they've done is naive and counterproductive to voicing the truth. Plus, as edmg7 said redoing all of these reviews would be way more time and effort than it's really worth just to remove one bad actor that was already slated to leave in the context of the story anyway.


I say you should go the RE Pokemon route. It's the most practical as you won't need to spend a lot of time redoing the first 3 movies. I was around back then, patiently waiting all of that time for the next review. Having to retread the same ground to remove one element seems to be a waste to me. On a more ethical note, this WB disclaimer says it best: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/U8UZyVI.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/U8UZyVI.jpg</a> Newer fans may be a little lost, but there's no reason they can't just go and watch the older reviews. So just push forward, and remember the past, so that... um... inspirational quote.


Im voting RE route. But here's my two cents. 1. In the last review, you can make a good argument that JWs character left (for an indeterminate time) so you can justified that he was written out. In fact, after his untimely death, I saw his farewell as a proper farewell. 2. Do you want to say anything new about those 4 movies? If not, it raises more questions than it answers for new viewers. If you do want to say something new, then Brotherhood is the better option.

Lucas Neumeyer (NEW-my-er)

I go for the RE route because I was very excited to hear the movie series would continue and I wanted to see the storyline continue as well. I don't like aborted storylines and I think continuing with the reviews will be most pleasing to fans. The original reviews will be up anyway, and fans will have new content all the quicker. Although it's insane timing that all this happened right after you achieved your Patreon goal, right?


Its a tough decision. I'm going to say RE just cause I've been waiting a long time to see that Pokemon Heroes review. I just watched the two different holiday Hi-Jinx reviews back to back, so I have every confidence that a Brotherhood can be done effectively if need be.


A quick introduction-recap with an acknowledgement of new opinions sounds like a good way to start a RE route.

Michael McKinney

Went with the Brotherhood option not because I think it's needed, I just think a fresh start with your current skill and production value would absolutely kick ass Nuff said.


This was a hard choice but seeing just how many Pokémon movies there are I'm going with RE.


I'd say 'reboot' just to keep all your reviews more stylistically consistent, as well as give viewers who have only joined your journey in the last year or so a chance to watch it without being confused by the clutter and references from so long ago.


I...yeah I actually had no idea about this until I saw this email. I am at such a loss for words, after he died everyone described what a sweet loving amazing person he was...how could that all be so incorrect? This effed up world just keeps on getting more and more effed up... anyway, I’d be ok with whatever you do, just as long as you still bring on Linkara, you guys have great chemistry together.


I.... cant watch the old reviews anymore. So much of them focuses on the love you guys all felt for the franchise and listening to him talk about stuff like that... It skeeves me put anymore. I vote full reboot. No hard feelings either way but Id like to feel like I can show them to friends and I dont feel like I can noe


Honestly I was wondering if you were going to redo the movies even before the JW news broke. You've said yourself that during the Journey you've been remembered and discovered a lot about the franchise, and I think that exploring how you see the movies in this context would be interesting.

Michael McKinney

Wow this is turning out to be way more even than I expected, sorry dude. -.-


Perhaps the solution is simply mimicking what Pokémon has done. The anime tends to keep nearly everything in canon if SM's special guest cameos with Brock and Misty are anything to go by. You'll remember the gags and the episodes they reference before. However, the Pokémon anime is known to retcon the past or downplay some of the outdated/controversial aspects of the show. Stuff like guns, real animals and Porygon have been silently swept away into the forgotten zone as the anime remakes itself in new art styles and storylines. Heck, Jessie and James's story of how they met was subject to these kinds of changing retcons. Technically speaking, they are all still part of Pokémon canon. However, I also recall how Pokémon deals with certain anime shorts that are associated with terrible scandals. Namely the Pikachu and Pichu short. That special is no longer available in Japan because the voice celebrity narrator of that short was caught possessing drugs. And given Japan's low tolerance of drug possession, this was a career killer and subsequently anything associated with Noriko Sakai was removed off stores. Dogasu even speculated that BW's emphasis on Ash being 10-years old again despite Pikachu and Pichu taking place on Ash and Pikachu's first year anniversary is a subtle attempt to erase the short from continuity. Considering how popular the first three movies were at the time, it would not be fair for newcomers to not be able to comment on their favorite movies all because of one bad scandal association.


Perhaps in the same vein of the Pokémon remake games (aka FRLG and HGSS), you could revisit the old movies as a re-review of the movies in a later date (so you won't have to halt Pokémon Heroes to do a redo). There has been new things discovered since your movie review (such as the fact that Mewtwo's original English voice actor is alive and well), new hindsights into how the movies interact with the show, and so on and so forth. I personally recommend that if you ever consider doing a re-review of the first three Pokémon movies, you review the original Japanese versions (with English subs of course). I believe there is enough substance in the Japanese version that warrants its own review.


Indeed. If we choose the RE route, JewWario already had his farewell so it's not like he'll cause any continuity problems in the long run. At best, treat him like any Pokémon Trainer that Ash meets and travel for a few days before parting ways permanently. Don't try to bring up the scandal or try to explain his absence. Worst case scenario is the Porygon treatment.


I'd go for the full reboot. It'd be great to see the reviews again but with your current production value. And I feel that since Pokemon Journey has been a thing you'll be able to go more in depth as a result.

Graham Finch

I believe you should do what MarzGurl did: Reupload the old reviews, but add a disclaimer clarifying that you didn't know about JewWario's predicament at the time. If you did decide to go back and remake the old reviews, there would be the issue of JesuOtaku's transitional surgery before and after the review of the fourth movie. Would you keep JO's old footage in, or would you make brand-new footage with Jake? I feel like it would be too much of a hassle for you to deal with.


I'm in favor of a full reboot tbh. I know that it would be a lot more work, but your style has grown so much, I would be excited to see them again with new eyes! I got pretty quickly on the whole Pokémon MMO thing after the first couple videos. Plus, it would be pretty cool of you to include Jacob (JO) after beginning his transition, and I think he might appreciate it too! (I know he said in a tweet that he didn't mind you having those videos up of him pre-HRT, but speaking as someone who is nonbinary, and has trans and nonbinary friends that do HRT, it can bother someone more than they initially let on). I think it would be awesome if Lewis (Linkara) was involved again as well, and maybe this time you can have cameos by Sage, and TheCartoonGamer!


I am in agreement with the change of style meaning a reboot would be more 'friendly'. However, by keeping it in the same vein, and simply doing a quiet write-out or lack of mentioning people who came before, it has the same 'feel' to it as before. In addition, by keeping it the same way, you offer an avenue to continue including people who are friends, or who want to help out, and keep the feeling and theme of that crossover alive.


Alternatively, if you feel that you *need* to do a reboot, do a video in between that shows something like the 'falling apart' of the MMO, and consider trying to use the movies as a way to figure out what happened. It would allow it to keep a coherent timeline while still being able to change it up completely as you need to fit whatever you need, around whatever people you need.


I think the main decider for me was what this might do for your new viewers. I think if you go back and do the movies from scratch, now that you have a stronger schedule and probably a stronger idea of their presentation and casting they'll just generally be more impressive to anyone else who shows up. Not to say the originals weren't good enough to have gotten me invested in your work in the first place.


While it would be nice to have some resolution to the videos that did exist I think it would be best to have a new start, perhaps moving away from the framing device of an AI bribing you with an MMO. While it was funny I do think continuing with that device wouldn't make much sense


Ended up voting Resident Evil, but this was not an easy decision to make. And judging by the poll results so far, it’s not just me who is torn.

Michael McKinney

I can't believe that watching these poll numbers is literally the most intense part of my day.


I say a reboot is in order! I have a few ideas on where you could take it: 1: A brand new intro, just like your current Pokemon Journey Opening, but instead do it like the American version openings, with the over the top music and weird CGI. 2: If Linkara wants to return, bring back Linkara and maybe a trusted, guest reviewer. Maybe ask a few PokeTubers if they want to help. 3: Why not open it more up to Patreon? Ask your highest paying Patreons to be the guest reviewers! Or able to submit their own jokes to be included!


If they end up getting redone anyway, might as well have 2 different guests per episode and divide the jokes among them in every one.

Michael McKinney

I firmly disagree, Linkara and Suede are to amazing together. Maybe a different third person in every review, course my dream team would be for them to get JesuOtaku to come out of video making retirement for these crossovers. XD

Merv PH

Move on to the next one. You can remake the originals later.


I can look past the JW involvement on the reviews as they stand - and understand that a disclaimer should be in effect on said videos. However, it may be best for you to reboot the series for a fresh start (with the originals available for the curious). I'd like to point out that Peter Pan is still viewed as a children's classic even with the writer being a pedophile - people still enjoy Michael Jackson's music even with all the charges leveled at him - it may sully the work, but there are people who will be able to look over things, and others who won't. I am one of those who can look past things, but looking forward, I think a fresh take and revisit will help you out. I do hope you can get Linkara involved and perhaps Marsgurl or someone - people you can play off well and get together reliably with an out if you need to do it alone in the future.


Is it possible for you to create a multiple-choice past. As in you have two different beginnings and they all converge into singular arc. That way, you won't have to do a total reboot of the reviews.


Are you thinking of Charles Dodgson/Lewis Carrol and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland? I don't think there's been any sunstantial controversy over J.M Barrie.


Usually I'd rather see the project completed before seeing things redone. On the other hand I can't bring myself to go back a rewatch those reviews because their so charming it's disorientating now. New versions that can get back that whole enjoyment would be nice

Nicholas Mata

I think it’s better just to move on and continue onto the next one. Rebooting is a nice thought, but is just gonna be more work for y’all and you’ll never get to Heroes by that point lol. I think people truly want a continuation, for better or for worse. I dunno, just my take. This whole situation just sucks. Whatever u do, I’ll watch and support. And hey maybe the redone reviews would be funnier? lol


To be honest, I never had the chance to see the movie episodes and yeah, I'd probably hesitate to see them now. I don't want to miss out on those experiences but I don't know if I could feel entirely comfortable while watching them. That being said, moving on and continuing to the next makes more sense. I guess don't reinvent the wheel because it got a flat, put a new one on and keep rolling. Whatever you decide, you have my support too. :)


Please just keep going with the next movie. No point in trying to scrub out history.


An easy way to reset everything without forgetting the past, you forgot to save your progress. 😁


I say to go the Brotherhood route. You've improved so much since those videos. Even though I do really like them, you could make them so much better now than you could back then. BUT THERE MUST BE AT LEAST ONCE where Linkara says "Not like this!"


I'd say just start where you left off


I'd say Brotherhood. After the Channel Awesome scandal, it's got to be.


Eh, I'd say just move on with the newer stuff. JW only looked at the scripts. I really only watched them because they had your name on it =3 Although I'll support whatever you decide over all &lt;3


Someone mentioned in a video that they felt the same way about how he seemed nothing like that, but it was pointed out to them that's exactly how a groomer acts. They come across as kind and trusting to lure you in. It's both scary and disheartening to think that his best trait helped fuel his worst.


I would rather you move forward I don't see much value in re-doing the old reviews. Now, if you had new takes on the original trilogy, that would be different, and I can totally get behind that Basically looking at them again with fresh eyes to see if any of the old opinions or stances have changed But if they're just going to be same-old same-old... I think it'd be a waste of resources, at least at this stage of the game I hope that makes sense


The biggest question for me is how you wind up dealing with the Pikachu shorts and Mewtwo Returns. Are those going to be converted to? They are as much a part of the Pokémon movie experience for me as the feature films. If they are going to be untouched, I say go Resident Evil. If they are going to be redone, I say go Brotherhood.