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EDIT: fixed some minor timing issues. IF YOU COMMENTED ONE THE FIRST ONE YOU WILL HAVE TO RE-COMMENT ON THIS ONE. You have until tomorrow to copy/paste.

I know this one seems a little late, but joke's on you, it's actually A WEEK EARLY! Calling It Now starts this week so this one's going up the week after. How exclusive!


Suede's Pokémon Journey, Ep.54: The Case of the K-9 Caper!

Ash admits he has a problem that only a stay at a police compound will fix! Hang on... Support Suede on PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/Suede Follow Suede, leave comments, ask questions, get exclusive info and more by stalking him on the following social media: TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SuedeBlade



Slight sound hiccup at 2:19. The word 'pretty' gets cut off. Also an audible and slightly distracting 'breath' at 2:21. Insert joke about 'moving away from the microphone to breathe' (and completely dating me for *remembering* that meme). All the rest seems seamless, and *REALLY* solid. I know I keep saying that, but it continues to be true. :) Great episode with a lot of information in it. You mentioned the 'placing the chopsticks over the bowl like that'. It's a sign that "I'm done eating." If you aren't done eating, it can be rude because you're saying, "I don't like this," or "I don't want any more of this." So yes and no: by zooming in on the fact that he's putting the chopsticks down overtop of the nearly full dishes, they are drawing attention to the fact that he is impulsively and abruptly saying, "I have no more need of this 'eating'! We have Poke'mon training to do!" Consider it like someone at a cafe standing up from their half-touched plate of eggs and throwing their money down to 'finish the meal' because they have to rush out. In other words, with that one simple gesture, they're saying a whole lot about Ash's personality, his attitude toward Poke'mon training, and his impulsiveness (which, quite honestly, also helps remind me that he's still a kid). All in all, one action, a lot of information, IMO! On a less serious comment: Best. Use. Of the "NOT LIKE THIS!" quote in a long while.


A good review Suede with some good points as well, as you said this was just filler it was funny with Ash training Pikachu, yet I have to feel sorry for Misty and Brock having to be woken up at the crack dawn like that. I know that I would not like that if I was with them.


Hoy boy, next time we get the obligatory Pokemon Snap references! Or in Sun/Moon's case Poke Finder which is somehow more RNG.


Wait a minute, your youtube link says 53 episode. Change it!


I never knew that about placing the chopsticks over the bowl like that, thanks you learn new things all the time as that has always buged me.