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Hooray, I did it! And it took so long this week it's a bit late! sorry about that! It's currently so late I'm not even going to do the metadata until tomorrow morning, but wait about an hour and it should be fully uploaded. Now, SLEEP! 



Support Suede on PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/Suede Follow Suede, leave comments, ask questions, get exclusive info and more by stalking him on the following social media: TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SuedeBlade



Well it seems my comment about Misty's missed potential did make it the episode after all...


Congratulations, Suede, on making it the whole way and on making it another year! I encourage Patrons, especially ones who haven't been here since the beginning, to take a bit and give it a marathon; the evolution of the show has been phenomenal, as Suede said. Hearing you come into your voice this way, and hearing how much fun you seem to be having with it as well as enjoying it, gives me a lot of happiness. :) And ending it on such a rock-solid note makes it all the better. I say over and over again about how great episodes are, but this one is definitely that. As always, great jokes, hilarious commentary (and *thank* you for adding those!), and incredibly poignant thoughts to boot! I am very much looking forward to the upcoming stuff, and you know that you'll have us here to keep supporting you through it. At least I certainly will be! I don't know about other patrons, but it gives me a feeling of pride, in a way, to see how far you've been able to get and continue to get. Both in real life and here on the Internet. You might thank us, but I'm also thanking you. It helps offer something very real and very tangible, to be able to give back everything that you give us.

Jonathan Johnson

But I do have some disagreement with your opinion about Misty. Even though I don't have siblings myself I do feel like Misty was being not appreciated of what she got then what she needs. I didn't felt the same way of her being in a family of four as Brock being in a family of 12 and not having parents or something like, I do agree with you on the bike.


Whoo hoo, more Pokemon journey episodes! I was worried this would be the last one which would suck cuz my wife and I love them so much, but this was a hilarious one anyway, so lots of fun. Congrats on making it this long and we can't wait for Pokemon Origins and the rest of the Journey! And Happy Birthday (that's what you meant by 30 years of you, right? I'm dense).