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I've been working on the fight and this is all the new stuff I have to show you.

Fucko also gets his new skill from the Octorn fight.

First, a new face for Octorn.


Octorn's new skills



A skill that replaces Octorn's normal attack. It just deals his ATK against the target's DEF.


Octorn squeezes a struggling target. Only used on target's with STRUGGLE state. Deals Octorn's ATK x 2.

Octorn has a fight priority list. 

0. When the fight starts, any remaining tentacles left use their 1-hit KO skill on your party members.

1. If no target has STRUGGLE state, Octorn drags one of your party member's underwater. 

2. Octorn has a 33% chance to use Squeeze on a target with STRUGGLE.

3. Octorn uses Tenta-Slap.


ACT skills



Think of a way to defeat Octorn.

Tentacle Handj*b

Take a hold of a tentacle and give it a handj*b!

ACT usage.

You need to give a handj*b to each of his 8 tentacles to get him Infatuated. At 4 done, he becomes Charmed. Each tentacle done has its own comment from Octorn.


Fucko's new skill


Struggle Shot

Cost: 50 TP

Shoot at a target and they get STRUGGLE state until the end of next turn.

Struggle (State)

Enemies with STRUGGLE can’t use their normal attacks and skills.




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