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Here are the finished ACT skills against the Smartacus Boss fight.


ACT skills for the fight.



"Overwhelming Ti*dy"

"End Fight"


Each turn Smartacus will randomly look at a party member, when you Distract with a party member Smartacus is currently looking at he becomes "Distracted" and "Interested" in that party member. (You can skip character actions by pressing "page down" button on your keyboard on Lace, Wulfrick and Fucko, if you only want to use ACT skills with Adventurer).

The yellow eye icon indicates which party member Smartacus is looking at.

The white heart icon indicates you've successfully distracted Smartacus with that character.

When a party member has a white heart and Smartacus is "Distracted", you can use "Overwhelming ti*dy" skill to turn the "Interesting" state to "Overwhelming". Once each non-ACT using character has the "Overwhelming" state you can use END FIGHT to end the fight and win!

Smartacus will try each turn to remove his own "Distracted" state. When he is not "Distracted" you can't get "Overwhelming" states on your party members, you need to Distract him first to get him into "Distracted" state.

Him breaking out was a 1 out of 3 chance but I increased it to 1 out of 4 because he kept breaking out of the state all the time when I fought him OTL.



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