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I had a really cool idea for the Smartacus fight.

My idea is that he doesn't attack if you don't and will only counterattack when you do! I got the system working!

I'm still working on the ACT skills!


Calculated Defeat

On the first turn Smartacus calculates your defeat. Every turn after that your team will take 10% MAX HP damage!

To get rid of this status effect, you need to distract him (with ACT skills)!


Counter - Calculation

Smartacus calculates a seemingly random counter for your attack.


Counter - Erode

Deal damage and lower DEF and M.DEF by 25% (debuff can stack twice).

Counter - Weaken

Deal damage and lower ATK and MAG by 25% (debuff can stack twice).

Counter - Slow

Deal damage and lower SPE by 25% (debuff can stack twice).




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