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Here's the progress on the Dule Dile fight!

The map has its own battle backgrounds you can see them in the gifs below!


New Dule Dile sprites


New faces


A new skill for Dule Dile "Loud Shout". As a reminder, his other skill was "Chopper" that dealt damage and applied WOUND to the target. Fun fact, this skill also changes the background! You can see how the gun and sword will go faster while the skull slows down.

Loud Shout

Dule Dile shouts loudly stunning all targets for that turn. He also heals himself for 50 HP. Has a high speed so will almost always go first.


Here's the ACT portion of the fight!

Quess Game (ACT skill)

Pick 1 of 3 choices is something that describes Dule Dile. Pick the wrong answer and his ATK or DEF will rise for 3 turns. Get 3 Right answers and you can END the fight with END FIGHT skill. Guessing the right answer makes Dule Dile change his sprite to the next one until he's INFATUATED!

Icon for the ATK or DEF up situation


New drops for Dule Dile

Boom Blaster

+5 ATK, -2 SPE, CRITs deal 50 bonus damage.

Other drops

Health Elixir




Zenoxx Chrovnoux

Bro really said, "STRANGER DANGER!!!1!!11!!!!11!!!111!!1!One!!!111!!1!!!!1!1111!!1!!1!11!!!1!!11!