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This time the build will mostly focus on new story, so the list might look a bit smaller than usual. That and I was sick, so I didn't get to finish everything I wanted to.


September List


Rest of the DP scene. 8 Pictures!


Poster for the event.




Wave animations for Rocky Oasis.


------World art------


Sprites for day 2 food.


Sprites for day 2 dinner.



Additional face for Foxot.


Additional faces for Squido.



Lace taking a shower.


Walking sprite for Squido.



Rain options for the Pirate Ship for when it rains.



Confrontation with Foxot.

The first scene when you board the Pirate Ship after clearing Pine Island.


Everything that you could talk to on the Pirate Ship on the first day should now have different dialogue. Oil lamps, pots, barrels and so on.


A few edits to Scarrr’s comments.\. To make him really the mom of the crew.


Objective 1 on ship.

The objectives this time won’t be quests, just scenes with the crew, although they will end in scenes like the quests did. This one features Squido.


Objective 2 on ship.

One of the 3 objectives you need to complete to advance the story.  Features Foxot and Captain Fucko.


Objective 3

One of the 3 objectives you need to complete to advance the story.  Features Dolpho.


A Small scene with Wulfrick.


Eating with the pirates, day 2.


I reworked Squido’s battle taunts and after battle conversations to be more in-character.



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