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Here's August build's change list. The new build is coming on Wednesday, August 3rd!


August List


Frisky Zapper and Skunky Hunk DP event, part 1. 

5 Pictures this month and 8 next month.



3rd Water Ring spell animation. Still a bit WIP.


------World art------


Pine Island map sprite.


Nick’s Home map sprite.



Faces for Skunky Hunk.


Faces for Frisky Zapper.



Nick’s sprite.


Recipe on the ground sprite.






Hydro Ring.


Legendary Hat.


The Sea’s Song.


Recipe for Guardian’s Iron Pin.


Guardian’s Iron Pin.


Steel Weapons.


Steel Molds.


Steel Shard, Steel Blade and Thick Steel Blade.




Nick’s Home song.




The overworld map now advanced onward as you finish the story on Pine Island.


A new area “Nick’s Home” you can visit if you’ve met Nick AND the Slime you can find in the underwater map on Pine Island.


Resetting Stat Points costs way too much so I changed the formula for the gold cost from points * 100 to points * 10. So now if you’ve set 75 points, you can reset by paying 750Ginstead of 7500G.


Steel armor  recipe item changed a bit, gameplay wise it doesn’t matter at all, but code wise I made it a unique item you can see in the menu before you go to the armor smith. You give the new item to the smith by talking to him and then you unlock the steel armor crafting.


You can find Recipe for Guardian’s Iron Pin on the new Rocky Oasis island area. Bring the recipe to


A whole set of new craftable steel weapons. You can craft them at the weapon smith after getting the steel armor for the armor smith.



Hydro Vortex

A new Lace Water spell.

Deal 2.5 times your MAG to a target, ignores the target’s M.DEF.


Defend skill’s animation is now above the party member’s instead of behind them.



I’ve been working and testing a new map! Small rocky islands.


Nick’s home and everything in it.



I continued the story forwards with the fruit quest.


Slime will talk about Nick before telling you where you can find him.


Nick’s home has story stuff.



Stinky (Pistol)

+1 ATK, +10% CRIT, Double Attack

Location: Underwater area “Nick’s Home”.


Hydro Ring (Lace Magic Ring)

+10 M.DEF, Learn Hydro Vortex and the other 2 Water spells while equipped.

Location: Underwater area “Nick’s Home”.


Legendary Hat (Head)

All Stats +3.

Location: Find the 2 previous hats (Hat, Rare Hat) and this hat will appear in Nick’s Home.


The Sea’s Song (Consumable)

Give Fucko 3 Stat Points.

Location: Nick will give it to you when you visit his home.


Recipe for Guardian’s Iron Pin (Key Item)

Give to an armor smith so they can craft Guardian’s Iron Pin.

Location: Rocky Oasis.


Guardian’s Iron Pin (Accessory)

+2 DEF, +100 HP, Defend now heals 10% MAX HP, Heavy Armor

Location: Crafted by an armor smith.


Steel Sword (Sword)

+7 ATK

Location: Crafted. (Steel Sword mold, Steel Blade and Oilent)


Steel Dagger (Dagger)

+5 ATK, +3 SPE

Location: Crafted. (Steel Dagger mold, Steel Shard and Oilent)


Steel Axe (Axe)

+9 ATK

Location: Crafted. (Steel Axe mold, Thick Steel Blade and Oilent)


New Crafting Materials.

Steel Shard, Steel Blade, Thick Steel Blade (2 Steel Ingot)

Steel Molds for Dagger, Sword and Axe (1 Steel Ingot, 1 Gem Ingot, Oilent)

Hat now has +1 to all stats, Rare Hat now has +2 to all stats.


Quite a lot of bugs were found and fixed this month.

-Fixed a bunch of typos

-Pool of Cum on the second floor of the dockshop at Shiptown shouldn’t move around anymore.

-When you go into the previous map in the starting map where the Lace event is, it now goes to a correct map and doesn’t skip the in-between one.

The Iron Ore near Horgath on Pine Island is now a normal Iron Vein instead of what I used to test Iron Ore.




Noticed a spelling error during the event on 0.44 with the cow character in the club; - "lenght" instead of "length". - "had beated" -> "had beaten" - "ammounts" -> "amounts" (I think there was another one but I accidentally skipped that dialogue box)