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Here's some new information about the progress of the new fight! I have worked on the skills for the fight. There are ACT skills and Rowdy Growler's own skills he can use. I also made some changes to the battle sprites and added 1 more.


Rowdy Growler's skills.


The hyena flexes dealing damage to all targets and heals himself. It costs 100 MP and the hyena has 300 MAX MP, so he can use it max 3 times in 1 fight.



The hyena punches a target, dealing physical damage to them.


ACT skills


The Adventure can choose 2 different suggestions he can preset to the hyena. The reaction to the suggestions depends on how you've played the other ACT skills.

Dirty Flirt

Flirt dirty with the hyena. There are 3 different flirts and the reaction depends on what phase the hyena is in (Normal/Charmed/Infatuated).

Feel Pecs (name changed from the gif)

Put your hands on the hyena and feel his pecs. Charms the target!

Feel C*ck

Put your hand on the hyena and feel his member. Infatuates the target! Using this ability will invite the Rowdy Growler to the Pine Forest base (currently WIP, but there will be fun stuff in there later.)

End Battle

If the target is Infatuated, end the battle.




Mochi Otter

Such a hot yeen daddy!