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I created and animated a new skill for the Fire Imps in Fire Dungeon (floor 2). It looks like this. I think I've gotten better at animating FX stuff. It felt a lot easier to animate than maybe some stuff a year ago!


2*ATK - target DEF. STUN the target.

It's also very fast, so it usually stuns the target.

What is still missing for Fire Dungeon battle-wise?

Lava Golem ACT skill (I have to check if it used the water spell one or if there weren't any.)

2nd floor ACT skills and a skill for the Fire Guard.

3rd floor ACT skills and enemy skills.

3rd floor boss and its skills and ACTs

It's all coming along pretty well! Now that I've worked so much on the 3rd and final floor I feel pretty great that the dungeon is finally pretty polished!



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