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It's time again for a new build! Thank you for your support, I wouldn't be able to make this game without it. I can pay my bills and work on a dream project, it's great!


There might be some bugs, but they shouldn't be game breaking. If you however DO find bugs that are soft/hardlocking the game, please comment here.

A reminder that this game is a work in progress and older saves probably won't work on the new version.


There should be a few preset saves.

1. Logwood, in front of the new Wolf merchant.

2. In front of Vogla in market hall, after recruiting him for the market hall. For the new quest and event with him!

3. In front of the pirate ship. 

4. Fire Dungeon 3rd floor. There is a WIP battle with the new Fire Mage there. Nothing fancy yet.

Remember to check the post with the Change List to see what's new!


There is a new merchant for the market hall. He's a wolf you can find in Logwood.

This build's event is with Vogla, the weapon smith. There is a small fetch quest before the event triggers! So talk with him about the quests!

Shiptown has new stuff to check out!

I started working on the 3rd and last floor of Fire Dungeon. Most of it is art stuff, but you can fight the extremely WIP battle of Fire Mage there!


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Known bugs:






Mediafire RAR




Is it just me or after a battle my game will freeze at the exp screen?


Did you bring an older save to the build? Did you accidentally press ctrl (hide the text button) those are usually the reasons that causes freezing.

Zachary Steffen

Is there another way to download? It's not letting me download lol

League Of Gamez

Every time I try to download it keeps saying (unconfirmed download) is there a way I can fix that?


Is it still only on computer or is there an android version? Kinda new here 😆


Still only on PC, but there are apps that allow you to play on android, like joiplay.