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How do you feel about the battles in the game?

What's fun, what's frustrating?

What do you do in battles, do you only use the normal attacks or do you try to use skills?



I just wish you could act on all the enemies (unless it's already wip in which case disregard my comment lol).

Casca Ozy

I tend to just normal attack everybody except the boss fights but I haven't played in a couple revisions


My main problem is Lace. How his weapons currently works, you have to choose to either have him be useful after 4 turns or have high damage. Once he's out of MP, he's out of the fight since his normal attack only deals about 3 damage; with a weapon it jumps to 5. Progression is annoying since I have to go back to a save statue every 3-4 fights just to keep him able useful. I know MP potions exist, but I shouldn't have to keep using them like a IV leak. Absorb helped a lot, but equipping a weapon gets rid of that ability. As for the other 2, it takes so long for them to build up TP that I never been able to use their skills. But I think you addressed that with the last version (I haven't played it yet.)


I might make all his normal attacks restore MP. I too think he has mana problems.


If you do a little grinding and build a "sucker" combo with the purchaseable "fiery cocktail" any existing difficulty goes out the window. On all playthroughs I went full on damage not caring for other stats since it hardly matters how much damage they do with that setup. Beside the act skills I hardly use anything beside normal attaks since it's not rewarding enough. Lance has extreme potential but it's just a pain in the ass that you have to waste the assesorie slots to give him some potential. The MP is not really a issue since you can increase it with "calm cocktail" and pair it with MP regen hat to literally unlimit his Mana supplies. I really appretiate it that the act skills have a major influence on the "boss battles" even though some get obsolete if you do enough damage.


I think I'll rework Sucker, it's just too strong for something that is meant to be an early game item. I might introduce some kind of Lifesteal instead.