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I've written up the story portion of the end of Beach Cave. Fucko finally welcomes you to the crew and you're setting off to Piratetown. I won't spoil more of the story.

Next is the part that usually takes the longest and that is putting the written text into the game and setting up the scene. It's pretty straightforward so it should be pretty easy to do. Let's hope so! There won't be much story when you're on the ship before I can actually make the map for the ship, haha! But at least the stuff before that has been written down!

Next I'll probably work on the first boss of the Fire Dungeon. I finished his sprite and battle background (image below) so now I'll switch over to making a face and a voice for him and after that I'll start designing his battle a bit more in detail. I have a general idea what's going to go down. But I need to test if it works!

The layers scroll down, creating nice pixel gradient effects!

That's all for now!


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