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I've decided to use the sprite (+ 2 new ones) for Slimy (The slime you gather flowers for in Light Forest). After he goes to the gym to get buff and you've made a Slime Snack, you can invite him to live at Lace's Alchemy Station. There he gives you a new recipe for Slimy Cum which you can dye and that changes Slimy's appearance.

I'm not sure if I'm going to make a classic porn event this month and instead I'd make pixel porn like the pervert one but for Slimy. I've already finished art for one scene for him and I think I have the alchemy stuff down. So if this month was for this thing and more story would that be OK?

I've worked so much today... This whole thing plus animations for a few attacks (Healing Wind and the new Lace spell Randomizer)

EDIT: OK so I was supposed to have a rest day today but worked until 1am. Last week and, well, since Christmas I've worked a lot so I had everything ready for the January's update. I decided to have an extended weekend, but I just got inspiration and worked a lot today, so I'm going to rest tomorrow, no working tomorrow, no working so I won't be exhausted.




Much appreciated, I'm not gonna lie. But please, don't run yourself ragged.

jaquane patterson

Pixel sex scene would be splendid, and the new slime sprites look wonderful