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I found a lot of smaller bugs today when I was playing the game. I have fixed everything I've come across so far. But other than that I'm trying to have the weekend off and maybe Monday too, we'll see. I worked a lot on Christmas and new year, but I had the drive so why not? Now I'm tired though after finishing the build so I'll be away for a few days. So no new art or stuff then.

I'll still be available for contact and messages, but no working for a few days as I rest.


Casca Ozy

Gotta take care of yourself


Thank you for all your hard work, have a nice, well deserved break! 👍


spend a well-deserved weekend and rest a lot


seeing the most recent update, it completely makes sense


Hey I did what you said getting the speedos and wulfrick and I equipped them but it doesn’t trigger the event am I doing something wrong


Nvm I got it I thought we had to equip the speedos to wulfrick but it’s for the main character


So I found a weird one where after the dragon event I was outside of the actual room and could only move around in the black space. Is that already a known bug?


Did you bring an older save to 0.13? I think I fixed it in 0.13.1 but I'll recheck!


Weird, I downloaded the save for 0.13.1 (which is what I was using at the time) at the same time that I downloaded the game, but apparently somehow I was only on 0.13! I did find a solution though, I just used the forest dungeon teleport to escape.


I love how obedient and submissive the hunks are 😋. Wulfrick's protectiveness and devotion to Adventurer is so sexy too. Will there ever be an option to disable the heart beat fx during the sexy scenes?


I haven't thought about that. It might be something I can do, like an option at the start or something.

Sonic Fox

Still getting a bug when Sword first appears, this 20% failure that keeps popping up as I play.