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I've been working on a new quest for Quest Guild and some Paradino stuff!

Above you can see a quest I'm working on. You need to get electricity to the lighthouse by positioning the cables correctly. It works now, but I need to test it more to see if

As for Paradino...

In the background, I've also figured out the main story points for the island so I can start working on those in the future!


Leader of Paradino. An old design that I turned into a character for the island. I wanted to make a really hairy (feathery), masculine dino character and came up with him. He is going to be the leader/mayor of Paradino and he is going to have some friction with the hotel owner and how he does business on the island.






Wanna pecjob him. He looks majestic.

Drex Coalson

Ooooh two dino daddies fighting over business dealings... Maybe they just need the adventure to intervene. He can come up with a nice long counteroffer. One that eases them in real slowly than really bangs out all the issues rapid fire XD