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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1671.m4a



Donal Logue co-starred in Sneakers in 1992 with River Phoenix. We discuss the movie and so much more, including Donal witnessing the scene outside the Viper Room the night of River's Death.


Funhouse Mirror

Really interesting guy. Great interview on both sides. Enty lets his guest speak. I like Mr. Logue's outlook on life; it's an adventure. His gf lived near the Viper Room? I was up and down Sunset Strip all the time in those days. I could've brushed shoulders with either/both of them and not known it. After River died, I walked uphill with a sunflower and left it. People who were there began talking. I came back a few times -- it made me sad and I felt oddly like I should do something for him. One late afternoon some of us were clearing away and sorting the flowers and plants that had wilted. The rest of the story no one would believe so I will leave it there, but, it was a different time. Not having everything instantly, meant people went out more and talked more. I was too shy for my own good most of the time. Enty someone asked a Q and A last year how to make it in showbiz. You told them to get out and be part of things and work and join things, because a lot of it is meeting people and getting hired that way. It sounds like what Donal Logue describes. People knew him and liked him and hired him (of course he has a ton of talent etc.) I froze in those situations and or ran the other way. I think it is necessary to not only be there but to be open to whatever happens. Donal Logue sounds very open to each new thing. That's courageous. That's a beautiful life and way to live.