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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1658.m4a



Almost four years ago, Jen and I discussed the death of Danny Casolaro. The journalist/author had been investigating PROMIS and The Octopus Syndicate when he ended up dead in a Sheraton in West Virginia. A few months ago, his son, spoke out about the death for the first time and offered up new clues.  So, of course Jen and I had to revisit the case. Plus, the Idaho murder house was demolished.



I forgot I had looked up Gary Webs book, I found it on Ebook in Hoopla, lol I had to update my library card just to get on there.... Thanks for reminding me about these stories, they're soooo interesting!


Wow, I just listened to the first part the other day.... What tf happened to this girl?! Lol, does she now think Gvmnt corruption is just a "conspiracy theory" too, lol! Having MS isn't a death sentence. I have a family member that has had it for over ten yrs and still runs races & lives a very active life well into his 50s at this point. I also have a friend that has it & controls it w meds, even had a baby with MS. It's not the death sentence she makes it out to be. Treated you can live W it for a long time. Being squeamish about blood draw doesn't mean you avoid all blood draws, you get through it. Blood draw is NOT the same as what I seen in those pictures of this guy's wrist. Huge difference