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The deepest of deep dives of Ryan O'Neal, continues.



I still hate this new update... I can't tell if I listened to something before bc it will show that I haven't.... I DID heart things bc I noticed that W the old Patreon too... But instead of showing a RED heart, it shows as black or white & I can NEVER remember what one is what. I still can't find how to make a Playlist so I don't have to stop what I'm doing to play a new episode, even in the "download" screen which makes zero sense, why have it? It just moves it to new screen. If I'm having playback issues, I'll download for it real, onto my PHONE 🙄 Am I the only one HATING this new update!? Also, at least W the RED heart, you can see without having to click every episode, that you already hearted something. I don't get why after allllllll these years, they finally update things.... To make it WORSE for listeners. I wish there was a better platform, bc I won't give up my Enty podcast, lol, I'll just have to bitch in the comments instead 😉😂😂🤦‍♀️😩


The rant is bc I wasn't sure if I heard the first episode, I went looking for it & instead of just seeing Yep, I played it already, I can see it's been played & I hit the heart... Nope. I had to open the episode, look to see if I hit the heart, forget black or white, what one means I clicked it... Ughh. It's so frustrating when you don't have time to open every episode to see if you heard it.


Wonder whatever happened to James Orr...the ex bf of Farrah convicted of domestic against her.