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In 1976, it was believed that Anneliese Michel, a 23-year-old student from Germany, had been possessed by six demonic spirits who would not let her go. After enduring 67 rites of exorcism over nine months, she succumbed to starvation and died.



well, you just got rid of one big ass evil on your podcast, so why you are inviting more? You don't need this and neither do we need this in our lives. trust me.

Funhouse Mirror

Enty, noooo...you didn't say these things about St. Padre Pio. Why? I've read so much about him and he's the reason I converted. The thing about carbolic acid is simply not true. There is so much out there showing that his wounds never healed -- holes in his hands were visible and see-through and were never infected. Carbolic acid cannot do that. He had stigmata 50 years. I think it was about a week prior to his death, his skin returned to healed and pink as if nothing had happened there -- this is not possible -- not even a scar. When people are canonized there is a process involving a 'devil's advocate' who makes every argument against the person. There are so many books and accounts of people who met him. Many of those are online; people can join newsletters for free, of people who met or knew him. He was the real thing. No one has to believe anything but it's different to state someone is a fake, or even, that popes "knew" it. He was put through various rigors while he was alive, and they could never find against him. Even if someone used carbolic acid Mr. Enty it would not be as it was with him. Not the same wounds for 50 years. He also had other signs. Why go there... I thought this was about Anneliese? One does have to use discernment for such things. Stigmata can even appear as a mockery in cases of evil or of possession sometimes. But St. Pio -- he does not deserve this treatment.

Funhouse Mirror

https://catholicism.org/the-truth-about-padre-pio.html This addresses the libel about carbolic acid, posted by the press a few years back. There is so much out there, including photos and film, and you can see right through his hands. He also had wounds on his feet, and a wound in his side. There is more but I am trying to stick just to what was claimed in the tabloid media. It directly addresses such claims, at the link above. No one could apply carbolic acid from 1918 through 1968. I don't want to take up space debating. (But this one hurt.) That link is a start.