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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1575.m4a



What was originally going to be Friday The 13th episode morphed into a Was He Or Wasn't He episode which then morphed into a Celebrity Stalker episode which also managed to add a Southern Charm reference. All that thrown into the mix and you get Edgar Allan Poe


Dru G

I love all the different subjects you talk about on here Enty! Best Patreon ever! 👍😉

Dearie Kaplan

"His real interests are necrophilia?" Like that's any better! 🤣😶😑😑😑 I love how this person apparently didn't have a problem with what she said. "Oh he doesn't rape children, he rapes corpses." WHAT? UPDATE: I might be chuckling, but that's my disbelief showing. Fuck the time people live in, there's certain shit that trancends culture, time, all that shit. Certain shit's plain wrong and something you just don't do.