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The deepest of deep dives on Angelina Jolie continues.


Funhouse Mirror

@RaveGyrl the Jolie-Pitt group has reminded me at times of the Josephine Baker "Rainbow Tribe," which was her title for her group of children. She took part in the French Resistance and due to falling ill and not being able to access medical care for too long, (due to not being able to come out of hiding IIRC?), during that, she could not bear children. She adopted 12 children of various nationalities. I've been curious, at times, whether her intentions were selfless if a bit naive, or if there could have been any narcissism involved, because, some of the children complained later, that they lacked attention. Or, even hinted that they felt 'collected.' (Publicity, which made me wonder about a Joan Crawford situation.) But she seemed like a good person, and risked her life in the Resistance, so, it's very hard to discern.


Exactly- a lot of celebrities only do things for publicly like Joan C, including having kids. Look at me and my perfect brood. I'm great. The kids are their bracelets, purses, computers - tools and accessories.

Penélope Pitstop

I know it's a long running joke but I don't think Angelina and her brother had relations. Angelina goes for shock value and she's attention seeking I'll always believe she was playing herself in GIRL INTERRUPTED 😂 great deep dive Enty. You're a 💎