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In this installment, I discuss radio signals from space, the Congressional hearings, and also two of my favorite UFO stories. One has been debunked, and the other is still ongoing, been name checked in X-Files and is the holy grail of abduction stories because there are multiple independent witnesses. 



People have reported and recorded crafts and E.T.s coming from outer space for thousands of years. The oldest recorded are the Annunaki aliens of Sumeria recorded on their clay tablets. They said the aliens came from Nibiru beyond Neptune. Zecharia Sitchin translated the tablets and wrote the series The 12th Planet.


Blackout of 1965 that affected parts of the Northeast and Canada, people thought it was aliens. My neighbors tried to get their son out of the hospital (appendectomy) because if they were going to die at the end of the world, it was going to be all together! https://syracusenewtimes.com/nov-9-1965-did-ufos-turn-the-lights-off/