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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1465.m4a



The deepest of deep dives on Katie Holmes continues. This installment focuses on all the blind items about Katie and also has the quickest of quick updates on the Kyle and Mauricio split.



Enty got drunk for Forth of July! I'm guessing of course.

Funhouse Mirror

Did anyone have special plans, or do anything to mark the holiday? I made sure to have summer foods on hand, that's about it. I had bought some red and blue iced cookies and mini cupcakes. Vegan burgers/hot dogs. Went to bed early. I can hear fireworks from here but can't see them. I've done the fireworks or concert thing in the past, once is enough really.

Dearie Kaplan

I slept, was congested AF. Hated my brilliant neighbors for putting out fireworks in the parking lot in our small complex right when I was going to sleep. Shook my windows. Scared the fuck out of me.