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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1444.m4a



In this installment, I talk briefly about Leonard Pickard before discussing "acid casualties." Most of the episode touches on Brian Wilson, his wife Marilyn, Dennis Wilson and his life and relationship with Charles Manson. Neil Young and Eugene Landy also make appearances.


Dearie Kaplan

Deep dive on Chuck Manson with Tom O'Neills input? GTS sounds a lot like Chuck Manson with the "revolving door."

Dearie Kaplan

As Hard Bastard used to say: YEET THEM INTO THE SUN! Now he says: Escort them out! Beach Boys = part of pedophile class. I still like the image of being yeeted into the sun. So YEET THEM! "Times have changed." That's as may be, there's still going to be things that are BBS, THAT YOU NEVER DO.