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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1441.m4a



Britney Spears, Kevin Federline, Daphne Barak, Ghislaine Maxwell, June 2023 Deadline, Ehud Barak, Karyna Shuliak, Jennifer Kalin, Angela Lansbury, Charles Manson, RuPaul's Drag Race, Tyra Sanchez, Megan Fox, Brian Austin Green, Witchcraft, Carcass Eating Ritual, Jungle Children Rescued, Natalie Portman, Benjamin Millepied, Isabella Boylston, Jonathan Safran Foer, Nicole Krauss, Ingo Swann, Taylor Swift, Sandra Hilleard, Tulane, MK Ultra, Jaws 3D, Gigi Hadid, Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael Fassbender, Le Mans, Bad Drivers, Kelis, Bill Murray, Kendall Jenner


Spencer Herrera

I’m assuming Kendall Jenner’s pregnancy thing is about her pet horse being pregnant… they announced it last season. What are they trying to pull?? I hate it too


I suspect Robby Starbuck is lying - BAG wouldn’t have defended her otherwise, and the kids would’ve likely told their dad if they were being forced to dress a certain way. Not to mention Starbuck said he only saw them with the nanny- maybe he identified them incorrectly? By his logic, if it’s true that Californian parents do this commonly couldn’t their be another rich family with a nanny and non-binary kids around those ages? But I can’t even give him that much credit, because Starbuck didn’t bring it up until anti-trans outrage became so trendy- I encountered many of his ilk during my time in Nashville interacting with Daily Wire employees who had just transplanted from the coasts. They believe it’s morally right to lie about these things because they think they are fighting for the greater good- in God’s honor. (I don’t know if Starbuck works for DW- but he is part of a wave of entertainment people who come to TN in search of a more conservative workplace or to start their own media outlets.) The trick to it is to plant a seed of truth to grow the lie - such as living in the same cul-de-sac or that Megan has a nutty personality. Those things combined make it easy to believe the other stuff without any verification. These people have the Andrew Breitbart / Steve Bannon view of morality and they think every lie gets them a little closer to heaven. If she is forcing her kids to dress a certain way (gender conforming or non-conforming) that would be a bad thing- but I just think this is made up. Also, I agree children’s faces should be blurred out in paparazzi photos. I often wonder if use of child actors should be banned entirely after some of the abuse stories that have come out over the years.

Dearie Kaplan

In general, just awful. AWFUL when things get taken out on kids. And it's not "anti-trans outrage." No one cares if they're trans or not. No, the dressing part could very well be true. Even if the whole state does it, doesn't make it ok. The SHIT that has gone down in that realm is INSANE. It's so fucked up. Attempted conservative gatekeepers, sure, but this "anti-trans outrage," is about the mal/mis treatment of children under the guise of compassion for the trans people. Same thing is heard all the time from the SJWs for the greater good and, "being on the right side of history." Same could be said for adults being banned. And on that note of banning because of abuse, will the top down abuse of organized religion ever get the same reaction? Cause they're the worst of all.