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Steven Casey

Loved the story about Vincent Price and Johnny cash standing up for native people. Any more Vincent Price stories - he sounds like one of the better guys in Hollywood, like Christopher Lee and Peter Cushingg

Steven Casey

Watching The Bat with Vincent Price and Agnes Morehead. Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte up next Olivia De Havilland was lighted so we'll and Bette Davis did better deranged than Baby Jane

Funhouse Mirror

@Steve Casey I liked Vincent Price also. The Dr. Phibes series. There was (also) a fairly scary movie in which Price's character killed a series of critics in ghastly ways. My pet theory is the actors who play villains are usually the nicest and the ones who have to be the hero or underdog tend to be the egotists. Random story, he loved to cook. I think he had a cookbook. He went on an old talk show (Mike Douglas?) and showed how to cook a fish dinner (in foil) in a dishwasher. Agnes Moorhead, she was a great friend of Debbie Reynolds, but at the end of her life, her estate was pillaged. I wish I remembered more offhand. She was in Orson Welles' original troupe of players. She's good in "The Magnificent Ambersons."

Steven Casey

Theatre of Blood is the film you're talking about. It has a pretty high star British cast for the time - Diana Rigg, Robert Morley, Arthur Lowe, Michael Hordern. I think that is where he met Coral Browne who he went on to marry. It is one of my favourites but the scenes I always remember are where Vincent Price kills Coral Brown in a hair salon, white he's wearing an afro wig and porn star moustache and introduces himself as "Butch" (which always makes me want to go listen to Castro Boy by Danny & The Serious Party Gods) and where he feeds Robert Morley his poodles in a pie. The deaths are all based on Shakespeare plotlines.