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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1365.m4a
  • CDAN - PODCAST 1365.m4a



In this very important episode, I am joined by "Jane" a survivor of the Two By Two cult, and by "Jill" who is a podcast subscriber and assisting Jane and other victims tell their stories of abuse at the hands of this worldwide cult disguising itself as a church. This is such an important episode, that I will be making it free at some point this weekend. Once that happens, I hope we can share the story far and wide and bring attention to helping survivors who are finally starting to speak.





2 by 2 is giving big JW vibes...


The 3 women mentioned in the episode have changed their website and have created a nonprofit portion that provides free therapy to survivors of this cult. Over 300 perpetrators have been identified so far. We often think of the wolf in sheep's clothing - worse than that though is a wolf in shepherd's clothing. advocatesforthetruth.com