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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1312.m4a



For the second time in the last few months, a Hollywood child molester has died. Gabe and I discuss famed publicist Jeff Ballard.


Funhouse Mirror

@Isabella, I was replying to "it is a big connective thread." (That's why I said "it isn't." Of course I did not miss your all caps "NOT ALL" which struck me as flip and dismissive. No need to then repeat it -- not the words, all caps, or double/triple down on your tone. Really not warranted imo.) Why don't you ask the same question of yourself, while people are talking about such painful topics. "Did (something) escape your vision?" Either way please don't post @ me any more. TY

Funhouse Mirror

About the non sequitur no one brought up trans or self harm and I have no clue why I was asked about both in one aggressively worded question. I'm not here to field attacks. I am only trying to stand up for those who are wrongly attributed as abusers simply because they went through abuse in the past. A lot of people believe that and it's incredibly insensitive and harmful to bolster that fallacy.

Funhouse Mirror

When I ask someone 'please don't @ me' and they do again, and insert a lot of things that I never said. And then your (seemingly) implied threat "I don't take too kindly to false accusations," after the list of things I never typed. Ironic. Who is the one being falsely accused? What I actually typed is there unchanged. Don't add that 'list of names called' to anything, other than things you yourself typed: because no one here called you any of those things, Isabella. This is what I actually typed. "I have no clue why I was asked about both in one aggressively worded question." Difference in talking about a question vs. about a person. The other things, I did not even remotely say. Maybe it's about getting people to react. So this is the last time that I will. This bickering (or whatever this is?!) is really boring for anyone else to read anyway.

Barbara Clark

Don't feel bad. I got attacked pretty bad on CDAN about my opinion on a controversial topic last year. My late mother was in the foster care system from birth until she turned 18 and she was sexually abused from the age of 8 to 10. Her abuser threatened to kill her if she told anyone. Growing up in foster care did not do much for her confidence so she kept her mouth shut but her social worker figured out what happened after the same man abused another child. I do think people (men as well as women) have difficulty setting boundaries and recognizing people who are kind and safe versus those who would do them harm (not necessarily sexual but people who are manipulative and cruel). Also they need to realize what happened is not their fault and they should not regard themselves as damaged goods.