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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1266.m4a



We discuss the releasing of the name of The Boy In The Box, and that police have known his name for nearly two years, but didn't release it to the public until now. We then discuss whether Leilani Simon is the new Casey Anthony.


Funhouse Mirror

Both families sound like very hard families for any child to be born into.

Barbara Clark

I don't think Leilani will get out of prison. She beat her 20 month old son to death, dumped his body in a trash bin in a trailer park and got drunk with her mother on Tybee Island at a bar while LE combed the landfill for Quinton's remains. Both Quinton and Leilani look like they suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome. Billie Jo should be charged too as she had custody of Quinton and it was her job to make sure he was safe when she was not home. I hope the 2 surviving kids (one is 9 months old) are placed permanently with families who want them and will love them.


Jen turns me the fuck off every show she's on.