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Funhouse Mirror

Here is my wild theory. Bear with me a moment and if someone disagrees that's fine. I think they should check whatever she has been prescribed. Bear with me. Years ago she had a torn tendon and sudden panic attacks. She was quoted as saying she didn't understand why she would suddenly feel SO anxious. Those are classic side effects some can have, of a quinolone antibiotic. Then she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. That too has been reported, anecdotally, among some who responded badly to that class of drug. Look up the quins -- it's pretty wild. If she had those types of reactions she should never be given it again. Has she recently had a sinus issue or a UTI and been given a quinolone? From what little they've said it seems she's again having odd symptoms. It is something they could look into.

Funhouse Mirror

I think she's also said recently she has various types of pain. I'll let people read first hand testimonies (and the official data) if they want, for more info.


Kris Jenner is absolute trash! Shania has a lot of talent. Kris's only talent is getting knocked up, getting wasted drunk and fucking people to get business deals.