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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1263.m4a



Gabe and I discuss the death of notorious pedophile Tyler Grasham, a talent agent who was best friends with Bryan Singer. Also, an Aubrey Plaza story.


Angelia DeFrancis

These are the types President Trump said he was going after.


Gabe Hoffman is not a person who truly advocates for victims of sexual abuse. He only pays attention to high profile cases which might get him noticed. Meaning he’s in it for fame, rather than the well-being of victims. I’ve brought numerous cases to his attention. The last one being Operation Millstone years ago which I had a lot of information on. Ignored. Gabe is in it for Gabe.

Steve Ray

OR maybe Gabe already had a six-month backlog of other victims he'd already started working on, and another year-long backlog of leads. But if his diary leaked somehow, and it was revealed he was only exposing shenanigans to increase his own fame, then I'd say, "So. Fucking. What???" Doing good deeds to get fame and fortune is just as helpful as doing good deeds because you're a noble saint.