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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1244.m4a



In 1976, 16-year old Trenny Gibson left Bearden High School in Knoxville on a field trip with nearly 40 students. Students remembered seeing Trenny walking alone in the distance before she bent down and took a right turn off the trail. The group turned their heads when another student walked towards them, but once they looked in the opposite direction again, Trenny was gone. 


Tiffany Craig

I'm pretty sure a horticulture student knows what poison oak/ivy looks like lol.


The biggest problem is being completely glossed over in this pod. When did they discover she was missing? When they got back to school? Did they drive off and leave her behind by accident. Say she failed to get on the bus before it left. She's stuck behind. Goes to the nearest road and sticks her thumb out. For a ride. Smokes 8 or 9 cigarettes while she's waiting. Gets picked up and kidnapped.