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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1239.m4a



This episode focuses on a different type of celebrity handler, Mohammed Al Turki, and how his Saudi connections and Hollywood connections all got money from Jeffrey Epstein. It is a listen


Funhouse Mirror

@Joey here is something kind of spooky. And this was not even told by the Rev. but by -- Debbie Reynolds?! In her autobiography. She said Reverend Billy Graham called her one day and said he didn't know anyone else in Hollywood so he called her. He asked if she or anyone could go down that weekend and be with Marilyn Monroe, because he felt she was in danger and it was not her time to die. Words very close to that. Some people when praying get what they call a 'word of knowledge' which means, basically, what others might call psychic intuition or information. I think he was a humble man and he never disclosed things like private revelations (what others might call intuition/psychic info) but I believe Debbie. And she definitely did believe in psychics as - different story - I got to briefly meet her once - story for another time. But she also says in her book she sometimes consulted a psychic (not unusual in Hollywood or even politics.) So MM was not mean to die that weekend? Again spells m-u-r-d-e-r. Sad.


I don’t believe she committed suicide. She was vain, she would have made sure she would have looked better when found and not as disheveled.


These sort of episodes are my favorites of yours. Nobody does it like enty!