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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1202.m4a



Dr. Sabhani is back for a second episode to discuss more about past life regression, coincidence, using psychedelics and much more.



Mind and body connection comments reminds me of watching Dr. Bernie Siegel on a talk many years ago. Question from an audience member was that they started a prayer/meditation group with friends to make their breasts larger and he said it would work! Another weird story, my friend was looking for a copy of Dr. Bernie Siegel’s book Love, Medicine, and Miracles. She wanted to get it for her child’s teacher who was diagnosed with cancer. She looked for it at all the book stores at her side of town and sold out and wanted me to look on my side of town. This was before being readily available on Amazon or even on the internet, late 80s. I said I would try to look for her at the Barnes and Noble. But I didn’t have to. My house is a hundred years old and I have to hold up some windows with hardcover books. Big rainstorm came in after my friend called and closing my one front window, holding up the window was the book Love, Medicine, and Miracles! Didn’t really know I had it because my sister had sent it to my mother, who also had cancer. I did end up giving it to my friend.


Asking for a sign is superstitious. In my opinion.