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Ed Gein was the real life psycho. He spawned characters in horror movies that still exist today, over 60 years later. Alfred Hitchcock launched a new form of marketing when it came to Psycho and producers have been trying to copy it, ever since.


Funhouse Mirror

@katie nicole I have always thought it was both. Couldn't understand why anyone believed it had to be either/or. Babies are completely self centered as a survival mechanism. Their cry is also designed to be impossible to ignore, same reason. Some kids do a lot of 'acting out' as babies and toddlers, but others don't at all. Some degree is probably hard wired personality, but traits can also be mitigated by 'nurture' or how a person is raised.

katie nicole

Something to consider- over the thousands of years of human existence, certain personality traits that are genetically inherent have maintained instead of becoming 'extinct'. Jealousy, for example. It's not a learned behavior necessarily. It can appear in many forms. People can be and are born with this trait. (i.e. consider synonyms for jealousy) Scientifically proven. If jealousy was so despised, it would have been vanquished long ago. Procreation with a jealous person(s) would have ceased. There is an attractiveness to it. Same with anger.


Super interested to hear about the Kiely Rodni case! There's so much illegal nefarious stuff that happens up there, it's insane. Definitely googling the other name you mentioned Jen.