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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1180.m4a



For this episode, Robert and I mainly discussed Putin and his rise and inevitable fall.



I'd much rather hear about 911, especially being it's almost the "anniversary" or deathiversary if you will. I've been watching a LOT of excellent documentaries about it on Odysee, bc YT has censored and removed a LOT of the lesser known docs that goes against the "official" narrative. Shaun Atwood just had an excellent guest on who also has a website and documentary (Odysee) that is really good. Also, I left this under another comment, but if anyone is interested in looking into or further into or already has and wants to hear more... Richard Gage from Architects & Engineers ( for 911 truth or something like that, but he has his own thing now, not with the grp) is having a speaker event on Sunday, you can go to his website (Google his name, it comes up) & get the link. All you have to do is make a donation of ANY amount, I seen donations from between $1-3 & they'll send you the link with the live show for Sunday & if, like me, you have to work or something & can't watch it live, it'll be uploaded to the same link for later viewing. I'm excited to hear the speakers. I know one of them is James Corbett from The Corbett Report who has done amazing work on putting out 911 docs over the yrs. And I can't remember who else besides James Corbett & Richard Gage, but it should be very interesting... If you're into that sort of thing. I strongly believe 911 was an inside job. For MANY reasons.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....great summation of Putin by a glowie. Now do Zelensky....and be honnnnnesssstttt..... This whole thing was a joke.