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Jono and Ben have a radio show in New Zealand. We covered a lot of different things.


Callum Skene

House of the Dragon was A+ Still would prefer the penultimate book in the series, but at this point it just seems GRRM doesn't want to finish them, so he wont. Here's hoping HOD can maintain a superior level of quality than GOT. Narratively GOT is like if Spielberg stopped directing Schindler's List half way through, so they got Steven Seagal to finish it with a new script he mostly improvised himself in 45 minutes without notice.

Funhouse Mirror

I read they are going to bring back Melisandre "the red witch" so that might draw some people in, who knows. Also, 'Watch What Crappens' is going to cover HotD in their pods. I do think they might want to make the series a more visual feast : p Tv is a shallow medium.