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  • CDAN - PODCAST 1150.m4a



On April 1, 2014, Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon left their host family’s home to take the family’s dog on a walk in Boquete, Panama. They were never seen alive again.


Funhouse Mirror

I think the killer was trying to sporadically illuminate what he was doing. (So he could see.) There is one image of blond hair with blood in it. Stories like this...not even safe with a friend with you.

Jennifer Shepherd

Hey Enty, this is a shoutout to fair lady Jen. Been listening to the True Crimes I hadn’t been caught up on, and I find Jen’s wonderful insights and perspective more and more enjoyable to listen to. She brings up so many great points about the investigative process in different jurisdictions and on different types of cases. And she has a great grasp of psychology and leads the listener through really helpful “What ifs” to help us explore the victim and perp’s thinking process. Plus Jen I love how you call a spade a spade when someone like police or Feds or local townspeople are likely to not just have been incompetent but seem to have purposefully concealed stuff or potentially been part of a conspiracy or coverup. Jen, you bring a great knowledge to these audios from all your past investigative experience (and maybe career experience in real life?) Thank you so much for all the hard work and great brainpower you put into these episodes (you too, Enty!)